Saturday, July 18, 2009

rev rd

no.113 Revolutionary Road

First off, if I had to pick an actress to play me - hands down, no question, Kate Winslet. Any time I get the chance, I put her on a pedestal, I have since Iris (I've seen every film she's been in.) She and Leo really work well on film, not only because they are best friends, but they look great together. I've enjoyed his work and find that he's really grown into a man, if you know what I mean, but for the love of god, he sounded like a 15 year old who's voice cracks left and right and hasn't fully changed during their argument at the beginning of the movie...and he looks so young with that clean cut 50s style.

It's ironic that the only other person who shares their loss of emptiness and a hopeless life is a man who suffers from a serious mental illness, we are the people who can see life for what it truly is, painfully. Michael Shannon makes the most of every moment he is on screen, he embodies truth, he has no filter which allows him to ask the hard questions and say what needs to be said.

Life is so idyllic after the big decision, but quickly turns south the minute that Frank feels some fulfillment in his work, which is what he really hoped to escape. Whether it be the next door neighbor who looks down on their house with longing or a rubber hose, it all falls to pieces. I'm interested in Frank's line about insanity being the inability to relate to another human being and it's relation to the inability to love. Are men truly that easy to fool? A scrambled eggs and a kiss overrides I hate you? April knew what the consequences were to her actions and she did it anyway. It takes courage to live the life you want, she chose to leap and hope it would pull her out of her quiet desperation.

This film brings great fear - I pray that Roe v. Wade is never overturned. How many women will fall to this fate? I can't image how barbaric women's lives may become if religious zealots are able to take away our choice.

Anyone totally notice Betty Draper's knotty pine kitchen making an appearance?

BTW: Kathy Bates looks amazing! Granted, anyone can look amazing when you are pressured by society to be completely dolled up, high maintenance and enough makeup and anyone can look great.

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