Monday, March 30, 2009

save me

no. 41 Save Me

I'm shocked at how well the topic was broached - the church and homosexuality. The story is based around a "recovery" house for gay men. It's not brainwashing, it's not a total come to Jesus. The use of confessional like fourth wall, direct to the camera, really breaks down the characters. It's about a man who realizes his life can both be in love with a man and walking with Christ. It's also about a mother who turned out her gay son who in turn overdosed - she is trying to save other young men to prove to herself that she will not be turned away by God at the Judgment Day.

IT REEKED ALBY! Far from great, but it was honest and respectful of the material.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

no.1 ladies

Feel good for feel good reasons. Nothing more simple than that. No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency felt good. Jill Scott was great, warm, loving. I wanted to watch this because of Anthony Minghella and Sydney Pollack first and foremost, but will watch it through it's entirety because of the respect for the country of Botswana. The land was gorgeous and I'm positive that by filming on location, the production gave back three fold to the community.

joss does well

I had questioned earlier what the big difference was in what Joss Whedon originally pitched as Dollhouse and the manifestation we're seeing on screen. Guess what? I don't think I care anymore. I'm getting into the story, it's got legs. I thought the concept of Echo's revolving DID might get old, but he's managed to weave in just enough mythos to keep it going. We're learning about Caroline, love that we're getting the FBI angle with Ballard. I actually was surprised to see yet another active behind the scenes.

Granted, I spend my Friday and Saturday night watching the whole season thus far saved on my DVR, I was super excited to see an old friend as a side note. It took about two seconds for me to realize that he got on screen via an old friend's ex-wife. Seems that since they split and I hadn't spoken to her, she got hired in casting for Buffy and voila! Here's your career. I can only assume that from what is now an impressive CV on imdb.

It's weird when I honestly can say I've never seen an actor before, especially when they have a long resume. Tahmoh Penikett was a mystery to me - he's been in alot, but actually not one thing I have seen. Sorry BSG.

tales of the black freighter


It really bothered me that I didn't know why I recognized the name the Black Freighter. One would think that I would have looked online, knowing me, but nada. Didn't figure it out until I got Watchmen: Tales of the Black Freighter and heard Nina Simone signing Pirate Jenny during the credits. Hello, Three Penny Opera!

#1 The animated version of TOTBF was pretty kool, I love Gerald Butler's voice. I laughed out loud when he grabbed ahold of Ridley's head and it came tearing off..almost as good as when he ties it around his waist when he lands ashore. TOTBF is meant to parallel the moral decline of Ozymandias, which is does perfectly in print. I can't wait until this is dropped into the full movie, so that you can see the tale unfold.

#2 Under the Hood was AMAZING! Told in a 60 Minutes format, it gave incredible backstory, fleshing out the real text, photos, new clippings, etc. I read in a review that poor Carla Gugino, she's the only star of the movie and she has to wallow in the mire of the film. WELL, once the director's cut comes out and everything is integrated, she'll really get her do. Never in a million years did I think I'd be more excited about how this was filmed and presented - I think I liked it more than the movie. It blended how the media would be different is a world where super heroes actually lived - it's quite evocative of a transgressive world. Not everyone had the same motivation to become a masked avenger and this shows that. I just wish Jeffery Dean Morgan's Comedian would have had more than the one scene where he knocks the camera down. It would have been so fun to see more of him. The commercials were the best! I called the Nostalgia commercial, but the Seiko was fun, the Sani-flush, I remembered that!

#3 The addition feature that represented the making of the internal books was really great as well. Again, cannot wait until all is integrated into what will surely be a four hour mind meld via DVD.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

he's our you

U.G.L.Y. You ain't got no alibi. You're ugly, yeah, yeah. You're ugly.

Although I'm sure not a single soul liked tonight's LOST episode, the story line did serve a purpose, tied up some loose ends, gave us some answers.

I really did feel bad for Sayid, he was just bouncing around in a game of mind fuck bumper pool with the universe. Ben twists his words so that Sayid is left with the smoking gun, he's been asking for name after name, not killing for Ben, looking to kill anyone in the way of his friends' safety. What do I do now? Well, Sayid, I'd go find a purpose for yourself, maybe help make the world a better place, find a carpenters belt that suits those flexible hips of yours, then I'm going to come and ask you to kill again. But wait! You're not a killer, excuse me. But I'm sure you'll come take care of the guy in the dark sedan that's been sitting outside of the crazy house, just waiting for you to show up. And after you kill said sedan man, get shot up with horse tranqs, end up at the harbor and threaten me, I'm going to make sure the woman you pick up at the bar, after you've paid for a whole bottle of MacCutcheon's, the only action and handcuffs in your future will put you on a plane to Guam, with four of your little friends. Seriously, did you feel that he was duped, just a little bit?

I don't think Ilana knows she's working for Ben, but Sayid has no doubt. Again, coincidence that he's tracked down by a bounty hunter and put on the exact plane discussed in the Lamp Post 36 odd hours earlier? Ben could have set that up hands tied, face bludgeoned, locked in a gun cabinet.

DUDE! I can't believe William Sanderson was Oldham! #4 Deadwood alum, and Kim Dickens/Cassidy has an appearance in the next episode. What was up with the tipi, prayer flag and old gramophone? Granted, Billie's "I Can't Give You Anything But Love, Baby" is one of my favorites, a very ironic soundtrack for a torturer. Although, I think there was a definite cultural rift; I think most American men Sayid's age might have an idea that any one using a dropper and a sugar cube isn't really gonna torture him, just send him on a nice, um, plane crashes. Please, LSD will get you to say alot of things and he certainly wouldn't have come down by the time Ben comes for him.

Granted, the Dharma Bums aren't down with karma...but Amy's little rant got me thinking about the fertility problem, how she emphasized "we have to think about all the children" as if Sayid could possibly do something to harm the Dharma kids or she's alluding to the Others/Hostiles possibly threatening to harm their children in the past. I can't believe they all voted to off Sayid, with Horace's "I would really like to say it's unanimous." Sawyer had to raise his hand to keep up his front/real life. I'm not digging the DI, I hoped they really were a bunch of smart kids looking to save the world. Nope, they're a bunch of weasel dicks in bad overalls. A couple cards shy of a deck. Phil is a pussy. Radinsky, he's a geek who has a little power and is running hard. Horace isn't much of a leader, he look sad and bloated, not the smiling Mathematician we saw in the Namaste line a couple years ago.

I know that young Ben needs to be seen as sympathetic, innocent. We have to be able to see his growth toward "a liar, a manipulator, a man who allowed his own daughter to be murdered to save himself. A monster responsible for nothing short of genocide." Wow, that was a mouthful! I hated seeing him getting tossed around by his dad, I also think that Sayid didn't like seeing it either. Ben totally played a badass with the flaming bus to distract and spring Sayid from the hoosegow. I was totally right last week, Ben wants to leave, he knows that Sayid will bring the change he's been patient waiting for. For the story, Sayid needs to shoot Ben. Hell, the island's healing powers might be the needle that convinces the Others that he's supposed to be their leader. However, shooting a child is just pushing the boundaries, even with someone like me who reads some of the most out-there transgressive fiction.

Sayid will pay the consequences, Book of Law style. (Horace brought it up.) I have no doubt, Sayid has already paid for his actions in his heart. That's why we dislike this episode so much. Adult Ben back handed with an apology for calling Sayid a killer, but young Ben reminded him that a tiger can't change his stripes. I don't want to see the pain that Sayid will go through internally.

Speaking of stripes, Sawyer and Juliet do not want things to change, this, us, playing house...they never really believed "they" would come back. "I've built a life here, a pretty good one. If I let you (Sayid) go, all that goes away." Again, good for LaFleur! He's all grown up!

I wish they would have played up the whole "wait, Sawyer's with Juliet?" a little more, Kate really does deserve to look like a bit of a fool, thinking that he would still be waiting for her. Really, come on. Although, both she and Juliet are saved by the bell. Although it's a great way to stretch out the miles on a story line, the one thing that drives me crazy about the writing on this show are the answers on the end of tongues deliberately taken from us in order to give it to another week's episode. Yeah, that's what keeps the ad money coming in...

Purpose was important tonight...and hopefully, we'll get more answers next week, other than Sayid feeling he's back to knock of little Hitler.

Ben gives Sayid a book! Not on this show! A Separate Reality is an allegedly non-fictional book written by anthropologist/author Carlos Castaneda who wrote about the effects of psychotropic plants, peyote and mushrooms. He talks about "seeing" a practice best described as, in Castaneda's own words, "perceiving energy directly as it flows through the universe".

Conversations/Lines of note:
Ben to Sayid:
"You're capable of things that most other man aren't. Every choice you've made in your life whether it was to murder or torture it wasn't really a choice at all, was it? Its in your nature, its what you are. You're a killer, Sayid."
"I'm not what you think I am. I don't like killing."
"Well, then I apologize. I was mistaken about you."

Amy: "I can't sleep with one eye open. We have a baby now. We have to think about Ethan. We have to think about all the children here. how are we going to feel safe with this man around? I don't know what he's up to, but we can't keep him here."

Sayid to Sawyer: "When I woke up in the jungle and I realized I was back on this island, I left there was no purpose to it. But now I know what I am here."

"Why'd you come back?"
"I don't know why everyone else came back, I just know why I did."

Oldham: "Turn your mind off, let it take effect. It's beyond your control, fighting is poor use of our energies. Whether you struggle or not, one thing's for sure, friend. You will tell us the truth."

"I like sad men."...talking about being between jobs, the only thing he's ever been good at, but wants change.
"I know why you are sad now. When you are good at something there are always going to be people who tempt you into staying the same."

Sayid: "I am a bad man." "Because I am from the future." (maybe I should use half a dropper..) "You used exactly enough."

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

d-tunes v.2

I've listened to some really great music over the past week, been sitting in the office too much! I've been doing an alphabetical thing. I'll have to pick up at Kaki King tomorrow, although I did listen to Ryan Adams and the Cardinals: Cardinology in the shower this morning. That didn't count. Back to K tomorrow.

Andrew Bird: Noble Beast
Bloc Party: Intimacy
Cat Empire: So Many Nights
Cat Power: Jukebox
Cold War Kids: Loyalty to Loyalty
Dan Auerbach: Keep It Hid
Erykah Badu: New Amerykah Part One
Fleet Foxes: Fleet Foxes
Gutter Twins: Saturnalia
Ingrid Michaelson: Be Ok
James Hunter: The Hard Way

made maid

no. 39 Made Of Honor

I think I've got some raw ends lately, I'm getting a little too emotional from my daily media feeds. What's next, I cry tonight over Sayid's possible torture? UGH!

Patrick Dempsey is so charming - really, what happened between Can't Buy Me Love and his recent streak of luck? It was the same kid on the lawnmower, only this time, he's rich, good looking and has all the great friends. Still the same open heart. He should just keep doing silly little chic-flicks. You know he'll rake in the dough.

But really, it was a silly little chic flick. It was an On Demand title and I truly thought I was gonna take a nap. Then it snuck up on me. I hate being the best friend. I've always been the best friend because my girls were always so gorgeous, I was just the smart funny girl, no boys really pay attention to us, until it's way too late.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

rachel's hitched

no. 38 Rachel Getting Married

First off, straight up art film, don't let anyone try to convince you otherwise. Most folks won't know what the hell to think of this film when there is so much "down time", if you will, in comparison to commercial linear filmmaking. In fact, the wedding alone will be a bewilderment to nearly all of boring white bread america.

Loved it, every bit. Anne Hathaway finally shows us what she's made of, the potential within to truly be more than a half-wit, silly girl, beautiful goddess on a red carpet, etc. I know she's got some interesting things in the works (hello Alice in Wonderland!), I cannot wait to see where she can go from here. I'm giving the girl props, but don't think I'm saying she's standing next to Kate. Maybe someday, but there are alot of other girls at the lateral.

Personal note, I had a hard time watching this. I get the round peg/square hole. You never fit, no matter what you try, it won't work, ever. I could feel her pain, her isolation, her self hatred. Although I could truly identify with Kym, I know Rachel. Rachel goes on and on about how no one pays any attention to her. Her father is obsessed with Kym, everything begins and ends with worry over her. Rachel feels pushed to the outside because everyone knows Kym's past, her actions, her public declaration of her illness and attempts toward recovery.

I'm Rachel as much as I'm Kym. My shit is out there, my illness, my attempts toward living a life in recovery and my family ignores it. I wish I could say it was the elephant in the room, but they really don't give two shits. It's never been about me, no matter how I may ask for help. If you don't pick up that Rachel cannot connect and pulls herself away from the action, you're missing half the movie. She's hoping her mother will validate the previous evening's altercation but she won't. It took her that many years to acknowledge her oversight, she'll never allow Kym to know or feeling anything more, she's too closed off herself. As if she isn't already pushed to the real point of alienation from her mother, Kym will never allow herself to have a real connection without irony, even at the end, when someone who has been there, reaches out, she still can't take his hand.

The mere fact that little Anne Hathaway was able to convey this when people who go through this, who live this, have such a difficult time putting a real face on the feelings/emotions/pain? Wow, I do have a heart-on for her.

Edit: I got so wrapped up in how this made me feel (isn't that what art is supposed to do?) that I failed to mention the amazing acting, the writing, the musicians! This felt like what family is, I've been to that wedding, walked those steps, had those arguments, told the musicians to shut the fuck up! The family dynamic - I wonder what didn't make it to the screen play, all the back story. Sounds like they might have lived in Chicago, Kym was a teen model, started getting really fucked up by the time she was 13, if she was stoned on Special K while on the covershoot for Seventeen...I can imagine her mom being all stage mommy, overbearing. She's beautiful, so she might have had a career. Dad is way too flighty, on this side of gay, maybe he was an actor? As for Rachel? Doesn't matter, she getting married into TV on the Radio, like the best band today! ha!

Monday, March 23, 2009

fill-my monday tv night!

I was right, I really do like Castle. It's not witty banter, the fact that the story moves as almost as fast as I think (which is feat in and of its self) although those are close #2. #1 Even as a mystery writer who thinks about the most horrible death details, he has to look away every time. He's always thinking about how this could effect him as a father. His daughter is the most important thing in his life. He is human, not another Hollywood knock off.

Another really good human trait - something happened to him. He called the whole, "you had money but you're a cop because something happened," and I think it's going to turn on him. He's the son of a theatre actress, maybe she had some money, he had multiple nannies, but the look on his face? Something made him into a mystery writer and it wasn't just the soap operas the nanny made him watch.

Monday's already a long night of tv. Do yourself a favor and DVR it. If you don't like it, drinks are on me.

Oh, did I fail to mention just how damn cute Nathan Fillion is? And charming? He can sing? Oh, he IS Canadian. He's got to have one flaw, eh? Sooner or later he'll go back to the Joss-iverse.

...loaded up and truckin'...

The six episode story arc isn't enough for me. Although, I felt much better about this episode since Will Farrell wasn't making a complete and utter ass of himself, ruining what has otherwise been an interesting 30 min HBO comedy.

Looking forward to the next run, god only knows when. Until then, I hope Kenny doesn't do something stupid like catch the Denali on fire so that he can get the insurance claim and not have to make the lease payments. It's bad enough he put April on the curb. He could have at least gone to Tampa and pretended. I can't tell if he's taking ownership of his actions or not.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

not feelin the love

REALLY disappointed with the Big Love finale. Dunno, maybe what seemed to be loose ends to others already made sense to me. I didn't get my OMfuckingG I didn't just see that! moment that inevitably goes along with any BL episode. Why didn't I get that tonight? All the things I thought might happen, happened, or well, things that I thought would eventually happen happened earlier. I knew Alby would have a crackpot plan to kill his parents that would blow up in his face, but I didn't expect his psycho first to pull out a block of C4. Nikki has found a way to being her repentance and acceptance back into the family, through the acknowledgement of her daughter. Margie does whatever the hell she wants. I figured that Joey would take a serious shot at Roman, but he'd have a harder time. Sarah was gonna get back with her boy, she didn't just go for one roll in Nikki's bed.

That's okay. I'll take some time this summer, on a weekend that's too hot to anything but sit in front of the a/c and watch the whole season and get my kicks off, season finale be damned.

sonny boy

no. 37 Sonny

I remember watching this right after I had moved from NOLA, maybe hoping know what's it's like to miss New Orleans...

The tale, in and of itself, is sad, twisted, cyclical. The story of a boy, a man, no a's about someone who thinks he sees a way out of the life he was brought up in. The only way to really describe it, is just to tell it, walk through the film to find my footing. For the most part, is a back story that you read into. A boy is brought up in the seedy underworld of small time prostitution. You're lead to believe his mother sold him off to the uptown blue bloods before he had become a man. He goes into the Army, hoping to find a change in himself, that he is better than what he has seen in his life. We meet him after he's discharged, with a dream of a normal life, a regular life living in a little Texas town working at a book store. First off, kid learns that normal is a setting on a dryer. There is no job, his buddy can't help, but can hook him up on a double date for the evening as a consultation prize, however, his buddy isn't sure Sonny is straight. We ascertain that Sonny, in a way to work his way out of the "relationships" he had with women, never was seen with a girl while in the Army. He tells his friend that he wouldn't know how to act on a date - and it is sad to see. He tries to be normal, but even shies away at putting his arm around a girl. She nails it by saying he's got this smooth thing to him, but very awkward. The boys been to the big show and back, he's a fucking pro, literally, but he has no clue how to be normal, how to act in an organic situation where two people are naturally attracted to one another, not thrown together in a cage for breeding purposes.

It's not that he doesn't get the human condition, he understands how people feel, he just doesn't know how to do it himself. That's really the central theme, he doesn't understand the basic human connection when it comes to attraction. He's played the part, the role, a different role, being whatever a woman wanted him to be. It was an act, he's never been allowed to have this natural and "normal" feeling. When he thinks that he does, he finds out the girl hits the Robo a bit and freaks. In a world of people living in vice, he actually thinks the real work is kittens and roses. When he actually sees there is no normal, he loses all base of reality and goes back to what he knows. It's this Oedpial cycle from hell, pleasing women to please his mother.

Although this is generally poorly acted, the script was for shit, direction, well, Nic Cage should never be around a camera, period. The idea was there, it just wasn't presented properly. I could feel Sonny's pain, his desire for having something real, something normal, anything but what he's had. The desire to feel as if he's not different, that he blends in. I get it, his isolation. He's been through the motions without motive, without any feeling of his own. I know what that feels like, to just never feel as if you can connect, that the harder you try, the further away you become.

The scene where he plays cop was really disturbing for me. Not that it was kinky or demented, that didn't phase me; people like what people like. What disturbed me was that Sonny's feeling was accurately portrayed by James Franco, he put himself there, that bit of being out of touch, removing himself from the situation. He wanted so much to connect, and had to withdrawal so severely in order to function in that moment. I keep talking about that "organic" nature, it's something I'm afraid I'll never find again. I don't know how to date, I never really allowed myself to connect in normal ways. My relationships were always so complicated, with rules that even I couldn't keep straight. Much like Sonny, I'm afraid that I'll never be able to connect in a normal way, that even though I might feel like I should run as far away from that yellow door in the direction of giving it a real go, I'm still standing in front of that yellow door because it's familiar. Round peg, round hole.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Raphael Saadiq on Friday At Noon. Great live performance, couldn't help but dance when I was making lunch.

M.Ward on World Cafe. He was amazing. Finally downloaded Hold Time, which is great! The duet with Lucinda Williams, Oh, Lonesome Me. Breathtaking. I love what they brought out of the song.

Bell X-1: Blue Lights On The Runway
Dan Auerbach: Keep It Hid - Gotta get this if you haven't. What I love about the Black Keys and more. Gotta get the Heartless Bastards - I believe he produced their new album.
The Killers: Hot Fuss
Death Cab For Cutie: Narrow Stairs


no.36 Love in the Time of Cholera

So didn't live up to my expectations. Not that I didn't enjoy it, or the performances. Javier Bardem can't do anything wrong. He inhabits every ounce of Florentino Ariza. He's so stiff, timid, his vocal cadence holds the pulse...he fucks like an old man even when he's 25. Bardem pulls Florentino off the pages with a rip and a tear. What can't that man do? Seriously? His understanding and ability to capture the frailty and glow of the human spirit is overwhelming.

As for everything else, well, it was okay. Costumes were great. Makeup was pretty good, too.

The one scene I was super happy with was understated in the novel; one paragraph and two lines of dialogue. When the couple has finally found themselves alone, on their voyage, in her quarters. It's so subtle in the text, seeing it on screen made such an impact, I don't know how I was able to read so little into it, literally. Yeah, this is not an easy read, it's SO compact, dense. I think every great Latin/South American author is intense, complicated, thoroughly enjoyable, but they make you work for it.

"Maybe it's time to ask ourselves, with our strong desire to live, what to do with the love that has been left behind without a master?"

It's such a beautiful line and he knocks it out of the park.

little children

no.35 Little Children

It seems like every week I'm talking about adaptations. It's interesting when a film's screenwriter is also the author of the novel...and there are significant changes. First, you have to wonder if it was just a "well, we really liked your input, so we'll give you a credit" kind of credit. Those also fall under the "we changed your book enough so we'll give you a credit not to hurt your feelings." I guess there's also the "the option on your book really didn't pay enough, so we'll give you a credit with some back end" credit.

We can posit a million different ways Tom Perlotta played into the making of Little Children. I guess I'm trying to understand the changes that were made since he "had a hand" in the screenplay. They weren't horrible changes, just enough to make you wonder.

Again, this made the second time in a week I saw Patrick Wilson naked. Granted, he was really buff in LC, whereas he gained 25lbs of pure fat to make Dan Dreiberg look a little bloated...although his ass still looked pretty damn good.

This also marked the second appearance by Jackie Earle Haley, is an Oscar nominated role. His part wasn't huge and much more childlike than the novel portrayed. Little or not, he sold the sad pedophile. In the book, he hid the fact that he murdered a girl, but they only brought out the public exposure here, which was enough for everyone to hate him. It's Hollywood, even for an indie, and they gave his little boy a big ending. WHOA.

As always, Kate Winslet is superb. I love her, just love her. I think she is the most beautiful and talented actress of our generation, hands down, no competition. Screw Meryl, Kate will surpass her, I'll put money on it.


I had to give it a shot, I think Nathan Fillion is adorable. I figured, worst case, I wasted a little DVR time. Guess what? It's good, it's funny, I like it. Castle was painted as a tail chasing smart ass in the teasers and commercials, when in fact, he's a great dad who might just be putting up a public facade. Other than talk, we haven't seen him with any women other than his ex-wife, mom and daughter. He's definitely someone I'd be friends with.

The story is easy to follow, especially for someone who has the knack for what should be next, there's a really cute smart ass saying what we're thinking. I don't recognize Stana Katic (she's been in a ton of things I should remember her,) but she pulls off the witty but closed off female cop.

Def in my DVR lineup on Monday nights. I needed to laugh out loud - and even watched both eps back to back. Holy hell there were alot of commercials!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

LOST namaste!

We have gotten past the hump! I can't believe we're already in the second half of the!!

Tonight: Namaste!

What I liked best about Namaste was that is was the organic extension of LaFleur. Sawyer has become a full man, he's self-assured in a way we haven't seen. Not the CONfidence man, but a man with confidence in who and what he is. He's a thinking man and he's in control, in charge. Even Chang likes his "tight ship." The interaction between Sawyer and Jack was totally a pissing contest...and Sawyer wins this round, with authority. Jack is a snivilling whiny boy who's just a "workman". At least he didn't throw the Roger fit about "saving the world."

Kate is going to throw a wrench in everything. When he greeted the 03, he used Kong, Doc and they both called one another by their first names, maybe the first time every. He needed to separate her from the others. Everytime Sawyer looked at her, thought about her, you could nearly see the fear on his face. When he tells Juliet in their bedroom, as they sit on the bed, you can almost feel the gravity of the situation, the fact that both of them are thinking the same thing, now that (s)he's back, what does that do to us? They appear to be the first healthy couple or relationship we've seen on the show. I know the writers will do what they do, but it felt good to see them together. Not totally surprising, but good. I don't want them to take that away from Sawyer. He says, "before they screw up everything we got here." more importantly to the character, he doesn't want them to take it away.

They nearly had us thinking that Juliet pulled a quick one on Kate when her name isn't on the manifest...then she pulls through at the last minute. Every bit of Sawyer's woman. She can pull a con just as good as he can, like getting the sub manifest in the first place.

And don't think for one minute he forgets. He just doesn't have to do it everyday anymore. I think Sawyer once said "a tiger don't change his stripes." I like to say leopard and spots, but tomato, tomatoe. Sometime, the tiger just looks different in the mirror, ya know?

Interesting role reversal - Sawyer pushing Sayid around. Sayid is called a spy.

Ethan. I'm not sure exactly what Juliet's reaction was, it was so weird. She's so excited to be holding a baby, the first time in what, six, seven years? Then that is torn away when she realizes this will be Ethan, the Ethan...was her answer for when she and Jim will have a baby meant as a double entendre? "The timing's got to be right." Is she referring to the baby incident that we don't know what it is or when it happens? The fact that Kate has terrible timing? That she's like to get preggers now that she knows a live baby can be born on the island?

Frank - Sun - Ben. How many times can you go back and forth between two pairs of big eyes? The stares/glares were enough. We got the point. Ben sells the little one liners, "Ya wanna come?". I've said that vengeance doesn't suit Sun. She seemed to be a little less guarded once in the Lamp Post and getting on the flight, but the one two of the paddle to the back of the head coupled with the simple, "I lied," sealed the deal. She still has it in for Ben, regardless of whether or not she's able to meet back up with Jin.

Once they got to the island, it's was so Scooby Doo. The dock is all beat up, the barracks look run down, like the haunted theme park...then the light turns on, just like Jacob's Cabin! Whoa, the door is opening and its...Christian. But is it KA Christian? Then it gets all Twilight Zone-esque. Finding the photos, the misty room...the fact that it appears that smokey is sneaking in the door, possibly as a personal guide. "I'm sorry, but you have a bit of a journey ahead of you." (as smokey pulls out the stainless steel drink cart and starts down the aisle.) Christian can't always be or represent Jacob. We know that Jacob doesn't like technology and Christian wasn't shying away from that flashlight.

Ben & Sayid. Ben goes to see Sayid, not knowing anything other than the fact that he's a Hostile. I think it might be the first time that Ben has had contact with a Hostile since he met Richard in the woods, looking for his mother. Little Ben brought a sandwich to make nice and see what he could find out. Little does he know Sayid is most likely going to try and kill him (at least from what the teaser looks like.)

#1 Ilana and Caesar don't know one another, or aren't letting on that they know who the other is.
#2 There are two distinct leaders on the beach again (even though Lapidus might be going on a Magical Mystery Tour.)
#3 Love that we did see Hurley pull down his sleep mask when he knew they were going to flash. Its so cute and tiny, but I called that as a "lalalalalala" you're not here Charlie.
#4 Randisky looks alot like Lenny. And we know the Swan is his pet project.
#5 Jin can still be pretty damn scary.
#6 Hurley acting again as the moral compass, when asking about the purge and stopping it.
#7 Even though it's Sayid, they're calling him a "14J." I want to know who's seat that was.
#8 Sayid tripped Grid 325. Wasn't that the original bearing?
#9 Jack caught his breath and got misty eyed when he hugged Juliet. What was that all about? Then he was totally caught off guard when he realized she was with Sawyer.
#10 Phil thinks something is fishy.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

r.i.p. white countess

I was reading earlier today about Natasha Richardson, and everything was speculative since the family hasn't made a statement. I went back and read stuff a little while ago...and now, just got the word she has passed. What a sad day for a family of such lineage. She has long been a favorite and sad to see her never grace the screen again...

Goes to show, get yourself to a doctor. I had read she went to her room after her fall, left the resort and she seemed fine...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

who watches...

I'm still not sure where I sit with Watchmen, in fact, I didn't/haven't read any reviews save EW. I finally got the chance to finish the book from cover to cover at the beginning of the month (I started but never finished a handful of times.) SO, this means that it was super fresh. I've pontificated for years, and in this forum, that an adaptation is that, it's another view of the material from a different set of eyes. I guess that since Zach Snyder was SO literal, using pages as story boards, what little artistic interpretation was going to be good, a little spin.

So, this technically is movie no. 34 and a book to report on?

Well...I did love his musical choices. Spot on. Great mood, great focus of the time, clear cut. Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah? OMG, I thought I was gonna get off. Although, I secretly kept hoping that Muse was a choice not only for the trailers (I LOVE MUSE.)

Casting was great...except for Ozymandias. What was with the accent? It was as if Matthew Goode kept playing with it during filming, trying something different everyday. At first, I was thinking he was keeping to his cultural roots, using a pseudo-Euro accent for everyday and blue-blooded American for the press. I know that Patrick Wilson came across as a total pudding pop, but come on, Dreiberg IS a total smush, kinda washed up, living in the past. Laurie is what brings out his strength and adventurism again. (For the record, I watched Little Children today, which I'll talk about later. It was hot to see PW naked in two separate movies within a week.) Billy Crudup was everything that Manhattan needed to be. Glib. Matter of fact. Nearly devoid of emotion. For some actors, that description would be the kiss of death. Crudup is a great actor, I can't imagine how weird it was for him to go in the full fiber optic suit. He's not the green screen kind of guy. Malin, she was just hot. It was hard to look at her and not think about the stupid gits she's played on screen, but wasn't that the point? Laurie's far from stupid, but she's a young, selfish girl. Jeffrey Dean Morgan? I've had the hots for him forever, he's so not my type. His Comedian was tough, mean and sad all in one ball of leather and muscle. He can chomp on my cigar any day.

The crowning jewel is Jackie Earle Haley. He is spot on, everything I wanted and we deserved. No mas. I'll spoil anything he did on screen by saying anything more.

Snyder was able to capture emotion and mood much better than I expected, especially the climax on Mars. Although I think it needed more backstory, I felt every beat and facial tick to where Manhattan remembers what it means to be human, the human miracle.

I understand why Zach didn't have an alien vagina descend on NYC. The copy-cat attacks on multiple international cities had more weight and connection with 2009 coming from Manhattan. Yes, this film is about an alternate reality to the world in 1985. But it also needs to connect with people in 2009 and having it be more about global terrorism, that's very topical and it does work for the story. Do I wish he would have kept it intact? Yeah, kinda. But the whole exposition of the brain trust hired to disappear, the creature, etc, would have been messy. Like the Black Freighter. Although it paralleled and was a distinct compass, it had to be cut out. The movies damn long as is. Like the Top Knots. We get a glimpse of them, but don't know anything. I was hoping for Laurie's Devo joke (especially since Tommy's mixing them at Sx this weekend), but there are alot of things that need to be cut, just because. We didn't see or hear anything about our lesbian friends, masked or not. The ending could be kinda confusing because we don't really learn anything about The New Frontiersman...

Choices to make things more violent (hello, the kidnapper scene with the kids leg and burying the hatchet rather than burning him down?), snip back stories (Osterman & Janey).

The opening sequence was great - it captured the history and depicted the main event of the Comedian's death better than I could have imagined. It was the one big stamp of artistic measure we can attribute to Snyder. That was his. Not much else was.

I'm sure I can say more, but I'm spent. Leave it up to the reviews and fan boys, eh?

Monday, March 16, 2009

music...sweet music

Sometimes, I just love quiet. It's taken years and expensive meds to stop the static in my head. Nothing better than being in the kitchen, zen like calm with a sharp knife and my culinary genius. I love my new Dell, now that I've finally got everything working. One big (tiny) problem. The sound of the fan, the frequency, is one that sets me off. I have a substantial hearing loss, byproduct of a childhood coma (no, not fun). Yeah, it's easy to blame the loud music for years, but that's only contributed to tinnitus. I am missing alot of low end, I often get motion sickness from feeling bass but not hearing it (one Rap tour was enough for me. Never again.) I have off the chart high end, nearly doglike. I can hear a light bulb upstairs. Just another circus trick for me, I guess.

There is no way to sit in my office, enjoying the silence and just the tapping of my keys. Damn if I don't have to blare some Depeche Mode, even at that, I can still hear it, feel it. I'm hoping it will blend into the background (doubtful), but until then, I'm actually going to enjoy the music I've paid good money.

Just today:

James Blunt All The Lost Souls
Franz Ferdinand Tonight (Delux)
American Music Club The Golden Age
Hot Chip Made In The Dark
Lily Allen Its Not Me Its You

current - James Hunter The Hard Way. Do yourself a favor; if you don't have this, get it now.

Ironically, I have not listened to Enjoy the Silence today.

okay, not misuse...

John Hawkes finally does more than just play the supportive or moral compass on Eastbound. Although very brief, he did tell Gina Gershon to fuck herself last night.

What I'm not liking about EB&D is Will Farrell. I know he's responsible for Danny McBride hitting the scene, but he should stay behind the scenes as just a producer on this. His BMW bitchslap Ashley just isn't funny. The concept, yes. The first few lines of dialogue, yes. The fact that his floor closers are hookers, yes. But get the hell off the screen. He sullied the show, yet again, last night. Pull him off the screen! Hell, there's only six episodes this season and I'd not like to see you again. Go back to W, wait, didn't that have a limited run? ha....

Saturday, March 14, 2009

misuse of john hawkes

If you've been watching Eastbound & Down, I know you are laughing your ass off at Danny McBride. He's got the white trash swagger down to his snake skin boots and black wranglers.

What I'm pissed about is John Hawkes. He is an amazing character actor and he's playing a fucking zombie on this show. Not zombie as is eating brains, but just hollow. Anyone could be standing in, so what I ask, is why does he need this paycheck? Is it that he owes HBO after his amazing turn on Deadwood so he's just cashing the check? I know someone needs to play the straight man to McBride's outlandish overgrown childishness. But it's such a waste of his talent...sad.

Although, I'm gonna keep watching to see the retard crew rock so.central fla like no one else. I mean, what other show has the audacity to show a man plugging himself with juice rockin a thong?

Friday, March 13, 2009

donnie darko

no. 33 Donnie Darko Director's Cut

I watched the original release in 2003. It wasn't the greatest time as I was pretty symptomatic; sometimes odd things settle in my brain and I have a hard time letting them go. I can't say I can differentiate the Director's cut...but I'm sure Richard Kelly put a new spin on it, I hope. What other reason is there for releasing a Director's Cut?

DD was originally released in the States after 9/11 and it was marketed all wrong. This isn't a teen flick, horror, slasher, etc. It may share some features, but it's pretty deep, more than the typical US teen is going to get. The overwhelming fear of being alone sits at the core. Donnie's therapy session points that out, after Grandma Death whispers, "Every living creature on earth dies alone," he's done debating the existence of God. To a large part, I agree with him. His therapist is correct in calling him Agnostic. I was a little younger than what he's portrayed when I came to the same conclusion, something's there, I don't know what it is and I can't prove it.

Time travel? Primary and Tangent Universes? Manipulated Living? The director wrote the "Philosophy of Time Travel" to be used in the movie, but doesn't give us all the chapter headings...I think it's because the movie's audience wouldn't really get it, so he gives us all we need to know. It's like Daniel Faraday trying to explain Time Travel on the Island to Sawyer :) There's only so much we need to know.

Time travel is really just a plot devise in order to give Donnie a mini do-over. He's given a 28 day chance to do things he'd really like to, like feel love, not to feel alone. Granted, he pulls some pretty great stunts, but they show people for what they truly are. He's able to unveil the truth, say things he might not otherwise. Not quite redemption, which we see so often in TT themes, but a reboot, if you will.

Do I like how they injected the whole schizophrenia concept into the film? Dunno. It allows Donnie to get a free pass on some questionable activities in order to move the plot forward. His therapy sessions allow for some exposition. The concept of a placebo med was pretty mean, I didn't like that, but at least it told Donnie that what was going on was him, real, not a byproduct of his meds.

I really liked this dialogue, so I'm posting it.

"What did Roberta Sparrow say to you?"

"She said that every living creature on Earth dies alone."

"How did that make you feel?"

"It reminded me of my dog, Callie. She died when I was eight and she crawled underneath the porch."

"To die?"

"To be alone."

"Do you feel alone right now?"

"I don't know. I mean, I'd like to believe I'm not, but, just, I've just never seen any proof, so I, I just don't debate it anymore. It's like I could spend my whole life debating it over and over again, weighing the pros and cons, and in the end, I still wouldn't have any proof so I just, I just don't debate it anymore. (laughs) It's absurd."

"The search for God is absurd?"

"It is if everyone dies alone."

"Does that scare you?"

"I don't want to be alone."

love hurts

I'm really behind on all my shows, have only watched one movie in the past two weeks. Between work and extra curriculars, man! :)

Catching up on Big Love. As always, whoa. Kathy's death by ponytail was awful. There are very few things that leave me holding my hand over my mouth and my eyes bulging. I must have sat like that for 3-4min. Really horrible death, the poor girl.

I really can't wait to see where this Nikki stuff goes. It's bad enough she's "cheated" on the family, even better that the DA confronted them all in the street like he did. Nikki really sinks to an all time low, if that's possible. She really should be scared, with all the paths that lie in front of her. She's always looking to please the people around her, but her methods are so backwards and actions really 100% self centered. The fact that Daddy-o called turned on her, yet again, I loved the whole, "your hands voted on the stairwell," bit.

There is always a showdown around the corner. Whether it be Bill against someone at Juniper Creek, his brother in law, the Greens - OMG, how much did you LOVE the fact that the dyke in a suit is the baby of the Grant family! Selma having to put on a prairie dress and giving up the rights as the only wife of Hollis was awesome, although not as awesome as Kathy stabbing her with a pitchfork, then it being turned on the hog.

What I'm really looking forward to is the new alliance between Nikki and Alby. It first appeared like there was going to be a face off, her confronting him about the letter, but then, she walks right into the Big House, Alby welcoming her with open arms.

Family - poor Don tries like hell to get his family back together, Barb struggles with Sarah. Will Nikki stay away for long?

Oh, did I mention that the Greens are back! ha! I'm ready for some ruthless killing. The belt strangle hold was classic!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

LOST ep LaFleur?

Not the best episode, answered some questions about our friends and how they integrated into the DI...and the integration of Sawyer and Juliet. Like you didn't see that coming.

I'm not going to go into a long rant of points, I'm #1 not in that place, #2 don't have alot of great ideas, #3 gotta get Wendy's wedding stuff done!

I am concerned about Daniel and his emotional state. I think he kept repeating "I won't do it." Like he's having an internal arguement about the intervention Charlotte replayed for him. If she "remembered" it, then he had to have done it in his linear timeline. I fear that it was his science versus faith, his love for Charlotte, debating for and against trying to save her life. We know he did it, but at that moment, he doesn't know how. Granted, two hours later, he's back in the DI and sees our favorite little redhead.

The truce and taking Paul's body as justice. I really think this has something to do with the Others and re-animation, re-incorporation, literally zombies. Maybe the Others are in a state of never aging (Richard) because they are not truly alive...that will take alot of thought, I've already posted it so the Joopers may run with it before I can.

Sawyer takes charge! Woowoo! He knows well enough that he's gotta keep moving forward and he'll figure it out on the way.

Noticed alot of mirror phrases - it actually started with the enhanced version pointing out that someone used the same words, the same line, but in a different context. We saw the Sawyer/Horace switch with getting off the couch...and when Sawyer talks to the Doctor "I'm speaking for Horace now," in the veins of Christian speaking for Jacob.

What is the screening? 133 had no sign of our people. Check 134 - how long do we look? As long as it takes (the second time Sawyer said this - first when looking for Locke and his fake Tahitian crew.)

Interesting that Horace is now the leader of the DI on the island...and that he and Richard speak to one another so formally.

The Flame and the Arrow were mentioned tonight. When Horace gave the order about calling the Arrow, Condition One, Take the heavy ordinance, fence at maximum. It reminded me about the chess game and Pierre Chang showing up on the screen, giving the function key if there is an issue with the hostiles.

Poor Sawyer, he thinks he's gotten over Kate.


Just an idea that might play into a weird theory I'm working on for the conception problems with the Others...

Throughout the 108 lives of each human being, in accordance with the 108 beads in the necklace of Buddha, the ego returns. When disincarnation occurs, some egos enter the infernal worlds and others return to a new womb; the ego is composed of many entities, some reincorporate in certain plant and animal organisms, and others, in human wombs. And thus, the ego comes to a new organism. Within those egos returns the trapped part of the Buddhata (Essence), which is the Divine and fundamental part. Indubitably, many parts of us live in animal organisms.

Matthew 12: 43: When the unclean spirit (ego) is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. 44: Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. 45: Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

alot of hell boy

no. 31 Hellboy
no. 32 Hellboy II

It's taken me so long to post this because I wanted to wait until I saw ALL the special bonus features...there's so much that I have forgotten! I love the world Guillermo del Toro creates, he is fucking brilliant.

There is a divide. I liked the original better, but it's because the second has no comparison. Original: dug the story line, the origins. II: story went further into the fanatical, not bad at all. The difference is Pan's Labyrinth. Guillermo made this in between the two films. He set the bar so fucking high, he can't go back. The anti has been upped, way upped. The two films can't be compared to one another for this exact reason.

Where the original was hell and fury, the second was detail and beauty in the horrific.

God love Guillermo for painstaking filming every aspect; I believe they had to have always had someone filming at all times to create the making ofs. Neil Gaiman and his daughter even showed up in one of the production segments. GDT has so many irons in the fire, I can't wait for the next two years!

BTW, total piece de resistance in casting Seth MacFarlane! As for Doug Jones, is there anything he can't do?


no. 30 Sicko

Watched this awhile ago, just never logged it. Dude, you gotta take Michael Moore with a grain of salt, as a Documentarian, he should be objective, but he's got an agenda and can be overly subjective. I'm not saying I don't enjoy his work, because I do. I was not the intended audience for this doc - every upper middle class, white collar needs to watch this and be moved to realise that there comes a social responsibility that we all must acknowledge. He's showing that the English and Canadians have a great system. The French, well fuck them, they have a nice life, period! I'm not saying this because I would be a recipient of the result if everyone pitched in, I'm saying it because when I made alot of money, I would have been willing to do my share.

There were plenty of beats that resonated with me, but none more so that thinking about my Father. I'm the classic over-functioner, even if I say "no, help," everyone expects that I will continue handling everything (it's a bitch.) I called my brother to remind him, I have so many medical issues myself, I can't work full time and don't have much of an income - what happens when Dad gets sick? I had to continually repeat myself, "You cannot count on me." There are days when I can barely take care of myself, how am I to take care of someone else if I can't get out of bed? I certainly don't have the money to support anyone. It made me really sad that I most likely won't know what to do, and my dad may suffer.