Sunday, February 8, 2009

princess bride

no. 24 The Princess Bride

I've found myself choosing films, books, etc. lately that are just so damned serious. Picking things apart from such a serious point of view. Yes, I am a serious person, underneath the whole "Don't take yourself so seriously!" shell. Despite my laugh-as-much-as-you-can life, I'm feeling really uptight, can't relax on the couch. Problem solved, I made myself watch some fun movies, although I had a hard time choosing.

No matter how many times I watch the Princess Bride, no matter how many lines I deliver, beat for beat, it never gets old. A little tear in my eye at the end when the grandfather replies, "As you wish."

Classic storytelling, lots of sarcasm, irony, excellent acting in a modest fairytale. It just never gets old.

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