Sunday, February 8, 2009

bros. grimm

no 25. The Brothers Grimm

After I first saw this years ago, I picked up the B&N collection of Grimm stories. With all the insane footnotes, it's amazing how cleaned up the versions were! These were really vivid horror stories in their time! I guess precautionary tales, so to speak, of the rough world and the time. Germanic folklore is so dark...and grim.

The interesting thing about Grimm is that Ledger and Damon went against casting. Gilliam met with both, with the intent of casting them the other way around. It was Ledger and Damon who made him see it differently, and what I think makes the film so much the better for it. Ledger plays Jakob so childlike, cute, skiddish, yet honest and caring. He's brilliant...and makes me continually realise what we lost with his passing. I've seen everyone of his films multiple times and it breaks my heart that I will never see him in a new piece. Yeah, we'll see what Gilliam does with Parnassus.

Not the greatest flick, some people feel its like walking through mud, but the heart is there. I'm sure that so much more could have been done with this project, but I'm content with what I got.

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