I'm tired, this is what I got out, I'll come back in tomorrow night.
The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham is book ended in exposition – what about the rest of the plane?? Appears Frank managed to “land this bird” safely on Hydra Island. Caesar and Ilana have taken charge and falling in line, don’t trust one another. Hiding a sawed off from a marshall is never a good thing! Caesar goes through files, finding a DI map of the island, which I can’t make out along with what really looks like Faraday’s drawing of Space-Time, Real Time, Imaginary Time and Events…must look at old screen caps. If I take the EW pic into play, I’m going to say that there is a chance that maybe Sun didn’t make it in the big jump and she’s the woman that took off in the outrigger with Frank, taking the passenger manifest. There’s a third “redshirt” mentioned, Roxanne?
Wormholes – our friendly neighborhood physicist Michio Kaku states (in terms of LOST) that with enough exotic matter, one can travel back to any point in time, that the Orchid was the entrance to a wormhole, making Tunisia it’s exit point. Does that mean that there is exotic matter in that place as well, but not all variables exist in order to “open” a wormhole?
John – is he a man of destiny or always just the puppet? For the answers we are given, I really believe we may never know this until the very end.
Widmore – he claims to have been the leader of the others. First says Benjamin fooled him into leaving, then claims to have been exiled. His people protected the island for more than three decades. Apparently, he’s never seen John since that day when he was 17 – in 1954. He’s been stalking the “exit” in Tunisia.
Locke/Widmore Alliance? I’m not sure that Locke completely buys into the fact that Widmore is the good guy “a boat of killers and C4…doesn’t exactly scream trust.” But, I think he’s looking at the ends to a mean, much like his namesake, Jeremy Bentham (you’re parents had a sense of humor, so why can’t I?) Or is it the other way around? Widmore can supply him with everything he needs to get to the O6 +/-, the trust part can be figured out.
Abaddon: take you where ever you want to go, protect you from whomever intends to do you harm. His claim is that he helps “people get to where they need to go.” Calls Locke – you better “step up your game or we’re all in serious trouble.”
Everyone Loves Locke. There is something about Locke, what he knows, who he is, that both Ben and Widmore are willing to go to such lengths. Both Ben and Widmore gush with their moral support to Locke and attempt to keep him on their side. They parrot one another. “I needed Linus removed so it could be your turn. The Island needs you, John, it has for a long time.” “You ARE special.” “(I moved the island) so that he could never find it again, to keep him away so you could lead.” “He is extremely dangerous!” “John, you have no idea how important you are!” “Ben pulls no stops on this end…
I kinda called it last week. I really wanted to believe that John would do it on his own steam, but no, Ben did it. I truly believe that Ben did not show up with the intent to kill Locke, rather enlist. He needed to make sure that Locke was on his side. He killed Abaddon as a gesture, claiming that it was a matter of time until Widmore got what he needed and Abaddon would have killed him. “he waited for you to show up and get him back to the island.” He goes on and on, sounds like a love sick tween, gushing over John. It all goes back to John wanting to feel loved, protected, supported. Whoever can supply the most will win his allegiance. Unfortunately, in his desire to be wanted, Ben pulled the plug, ha!
Everyone Hates Locke. This is the overwhelming thing I’ve gotta share. Locke keeps stating that he or they need the others, he pleads. What kills me are the overwhelming themes were from his interaction with O6 +/-. Even Abaddon doesn’t hold back, asking after three years of the world thinking he’s dead, isn’t there “someone happy to see you?”
Sayid is really looking for redemption, repenting three fold for the blood on his hands for Ben, speaking of his manipulation.
“Who’s manipulating you, John?”
“Why do you really need to go back? Is it just because you have no place to go?”
Walt isn’t surprised to see Locke, he’s been the man of honor in his special dreams of late. The little oracle has gotten taller, but he tries to warn Locke that when he gets back on the island (suit), people all around are going to want to hurt him. He acts like he is expecting Locke to ask him something – like he knows he needs to go back. Locke does the right thing, just wanting to check in on him.
Hurley is watercoloring today, the Sphinx construction? Hints about earlier inhabitants of the island? Hurley’s moral compass is doing circles over Abaddon – “he’s evil! You should not be trusting that guy!” Locke says he needs him to come back.
“I’m not going any where with you. Get out of here!”
Kate really lays it on the line.
“What you ever been in love? I’ve been thinking about how desperate you were to stay on that island. I realized it was all because you didn’t love anybody.”
Locke tries to share, but it’s thrown in his face.
“I love someone once…it didn’t work out…I was angry…obsessed.”
“Look how far you’ve come.”
Jack throws the book at him. We know that D&C flipped the last two eps, and there was a question of whether or not it was about the damn shoes. I think it was about Jack. About what Jack says to Locke, about Jack’s fear that he did push Locke over the edge. Jack spat at him as if he was his father, as if this was the last horrible, despicable chance he had to tell his dad off. Foxy totally pulled off the “I’m fucked off my ass on pain killers” dead look. I don’t think I could do it, I’d have to come to work fucked off my ass, literally. He fights destiny with probability.
“Have you ever stopped to think that these delusions that you’re special aren’t real? That maybe there is nothing important about you at all. Maybe you are just a lonely old man that crashed on an island. That’s it.”
This all boils down to his suicide – it’s not because Richard said he must die.
“There is no helping me. I’m a failure. I couldn’t get any of them. I couldn’t get a single one of them to come back with me. I can’t lead anyone.”
Does John get to Jack? Just as he gets up and says good bye, John throws the ball a little too close to Jack’s head, “Your father says hello.” “He didn’t look dead to me.” John isn’t good at asking for help, he tries and fails miserably…or does he? I think Jack has already been flying on his own at this point – so this visit probably wasn’t the catalyst for his weekend benders, just one tool in Ben’s box.
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