Sunday, February 8, 2009

a new yorker in so.central

As if I don't have a million things to read and watch, I decided that I would try a year of The New Yorker. Maybe my money would have been better spent on McSweeney's, but hell, I'll try anything at least once. I had never picked up a copy before and am totally surprised. It's nice to read about the theatre I'm missing living in so.central, the culture I'm desperately lacking. I just never imagined that I'd read a ten page article about an economist in Iran! I stopped getting news mags years ago, since I added a nearly full cable package I don't watch the news as much as I should, and although I'm online what seems like all dammed day, I'm not running to I got it for what I had hoped were interesting story telling - we'll see how I feel in another month. I have a feeling that I'm going to have to fly through EW in order to finish it in the bathroom over the course of a week!

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