Friday, February 27, 2009

big WHOA

Ep 6, Big Love

BIG WHOA. Not only does the family nearly unravel itself with secrets, poor Bill has lost his way. The show first caught me when I was visiting friends and there was a Season One marathon. I know that the show and the acting speaks for itself, but what got me was the amazing music chosen to play over the credits. Always fantastic, great songs.

This week, with the explosion of Sarah's miscarriage, there was no music to accompany the credits. The act, the reaction, the consequence, all were big enough on their own, giving us a closing note would be negating the overwhelming emotion we're feeling as the audience. Anything short of silence would rob, cheat us of the bomb that is dropped on the clan.

WHOA. Oh, I failed to mention that they are finally going back to the Margie/Ben storyline. That is not over, no matter how motherly and forceful she told Ben it was over. Can't wait to see how and when it is brought up again.

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