Friday, November 21, 2008

same actors!!!

It seems I keep seeing all the same actors lately. I can't say it's my taste because I'm all over the place. I think it's a testiment to the fact that it truly is a small business. Working in music or film, it's like living in a small town. Eventually, six degrees is obliterated and you can draw a direct line from A to Z.

I've seen Claire Daines, Brendan Frazer, Christian Slater, Nic Cage (ugh)...those are just the ones off the top of my head. There are so many great supporting actors that are all over the place if you just look.

I think the best example of this is the cable channel series. I was listening to the audio commentary of an episode of Deadwood and the actors were talking about working with this person on this show and that person on another movie and their first movie buddy, etc...

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