Saturday, November 15, 2008

finnish film flop

One day, I'm going to track down the people who write Comcast's program descriptions. I'd lock them up in a room, pry open their eyeballs and force them to watch content they led me to believe sounded interesting. I thought Aki Kaurismaki was a Japanese name, so I turned on Lights in the Dusk...a Finnish film. Deemed "sparse" and "comically noir" I gave it a go - I'm not one to turn off something mid way, I like to give an author a chance. It's not like I'm going to look at only half of a painting or photo, or read three fourths of a book and not get to the ending. Unfortunately, I drag my mind through the mud too often for the sake of giving an artist a chance.

This is the first Finnish film I've seen and hope that it's no indication of the industry. This was painful. I wasn't sure if it was making fun of it's self, if the pacing was off or I didn't get it. As always, I'll give the guy another chance because after looking into it, he's supposedly "good"...

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