Sunday, March 22, 2009

not feelin the love

REALLY disappointed with the Big Love finale. Dunno, maybe what seemed to be loose ends to others already made sense to me. I didn't get my OMfuckingG I didn't just see that! moment that inevitably goes along with any BL episode. Why didn't I get that tonight? All the things I thought might happen, happened, or well, things that I thought would eventually happen happened earlier. I knew Alby would have a crackpot plan to kill his parents that would blow up in his face, but I didn't expect his psycho first to pull out a block of C4. Nikki has found a way to being her repentance and acceptance back into the family, through the acknowledgement of her daughter. Margie does whatever the hell she wants. I figured that Joey would take a serious shot at Roman, but he'd have a harder time. Sarah was gonna get back with her boy, she didn't just go for one roll in Nikki's bed.

That's okay. I'll take some time this summer, on a weekend that's too hot to anything but sit in front of the a/c and watch the whole season and get my kicks off, season finale be damned.

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