Sunday, March 1, 2009

alot of hell boy

no. 31 Hellboy
no. 32 Hellboy II

It's taken me so long to post this because I wanted to wait until I saw ALL the special bonus features...there's so much that I have forgotten! I love the world Guillermo del Toro creates, he is fucking brilliant.

There is a divide. I liked the original better, but it's because the second has no comparison. Original: dug the story line, the origins. II: story went further into the fanatical, not bad at all. The difference is Pan's Labyrinth. Guillermo made this in between the two films. He set the bar so fucking high, he can't go back. The anti has been upped, way upped. The two films can't be compared to one another for this exact reason.

Where the original was hell and fury, the second was detail and beauty in the horrific.

God love Guillermo for painstaking filming every aspect; I believe they had to have always had someone filming at all times to create the making ofs. Neil Gaiman and his daughter even showed up in one of the production segments. GDT has so many irons in the fire, I can't wait for the next two years!

BTW, total piece de resistance in casting Seth MacFarlane! As for Doug Jones, is there anything he can't do?

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