Friday, March 20, 2009


I had to give it a shot, I think Nathan Fillion is adorable. I figured, worst case, I wasted a little DVR time. Guess what? It's good, it's funny, I like it. Castle was painted as a tail chasing smart ass in the teasers and commercials, when in fact, he's a great dad who might just be putting up a public facade. Other than talk, we haven't seen him with any women other than his ex-wife, mom and daughter. He's definitely someone I'd be friends with.

The story is easy to follow, especially for someone who has the knack for what should be next, there's a really cute smart ass saying what we're thinking. I don't recognize Stana Katic (she's been in a ton of things I should remember her,) but she pulls off the witty but closed off female cop.

Def in my DVR lineup on Monday nights. I needed to laugh out loud - and even watched both eps back to back. Holy hell there were alot of commercials!

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