Monday, October 27, 2008

sunday nights

I love sunday nights...and monday nights. Good tv. I always switch it up - can't miss True Blood, Dexter and Californication. There are different time combos you can do...but the 11:37pm cable test always fucks me up. Whether I choose to watch sex with vampires or a serial killer, there's a 45 second blank and I end up screaming at the tv. How many weeks does this have to happen before I just break down and watch one of the shows via On Demand later in the week? NOOO!

Not me, I can never just wait. I was eating dinner, waiting to watch the PSU v OSU game last night and saw a commercial for the new Nightmare Before Christmas deluxe dvd set. It's 7:06pm; I do the math. How long it will take me to clean up, get in the car, head to Target (wait, grab milk and snack there, too!) and make sure I'm going to be home with at least ten minutes to spare before the broadcast so I can pour a milk stout and give it time to breathe before kick off?I had to watch it last night once the game was over. Didn't make a difference that I was super tired - I practically tore the shrink wrap off with my teeth - I was going to watch it before I went to bed...and whatever bonus features were on disc one. Thank god I passed on the commentary.

I always wonder how I look at the clock at 10pm the wonder how the hell I'm not in bed until after 1am. Somehow, if you tell me that you have a surprise for me, I have the patience of a saint. A new book comes out that I've got to have, there goes $17 at Barnes and Noble, whether I stay up all night reading it or it gets planted on the "new book shelf" which is now a total of three surfaces and four stacks on my coffee table.

How the hell is it 1am!?

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