Thursday, October 23, 2008

slim pickins...

Johnny Cash's America on Biography: If there was one musician that I wish I would have met, it would be the Man in Black; my celebrity repertoire mourns that Johnny was not a memorized verse. I came down stairs to finish up some work, decided to listen to the shades of black...and DUDE, something is wrong with iTunes. Hall & Oates, Lou Reed, Spoon, MGMT, The Raconteurs, Depeche Mode have all taken his place. Something is afoot at the Circle K and I'm not diggin it.

Washington Irving - Phillip of Pokanoket from The Sketch-Book of Geoffery Crayon, Gent: Sleepy Hollow is next. I'm afraid it's not going to live up to my recollections. There's nothing more degrading to your existence when a cherished memory is nothing but a pot of wet noodles.

Tuna Salad a la dnale: Solid white albacore, freshly grated colby jack, sweet relish, just enough mayo to hold it together. Chill. Best eaten with Wegman's Blue Corn Tortilla Chips.

You really have to wonder what's wrong with this country when Laura Ingalls is brought into a law suit.

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