Friday, June 5, 2009


no. 79 Waitress

Yes, I'm on a Nathan Fillion kick. I know it got a little indy cred, but I wasn't buying it. As a film, it stands on it's own legs. As a woman, I can't stand sappy stories like this. A sad woman, living in a sad little town, pregnant and trying to get out of her life. I guess you could look at the ending, see it as a statement of feminism, an optimistic outlook on how she took control and found meaning and happiness in her life, at least she was "happy enough." I never got the Keri Russell thing. I guess you had to fall in love with her on Felicity, which I had NO interest in ever watching. yuck, period.

I saw it as trite and a waste of staying up so late. Although, the little make out sessions tickled my fancy. No, I'm just kidding. That doesn't do much for me, too bad. I did, however, figure out why I'm attracted to said man. I believe it was a friend who was an art major who told me that the "beautiful" people, the famous folks that we are really attracted to typically have one thing in common: symmetry. Their faces are uncannily symmetric. I know that if I cover up one side of my face, I'm a different creature. I guess my goofy attraction is the opposite: he's so unbelievably un-symmetrical. You might even say that he might be unattractive if it were one side or the other, but the sum of the parts is very interesting. Then again, it might just be that he's really talented in playing guys that can ramble a mile a minute, sound intelligent and totally charming. Yeah, maybe we should scratch the whole symmetry thing :)

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