Tuesday, June 23, 2009

speed racer

no.87 Speed Racer

The best thing about watching a movie that got eaten up by nearly every reviewer? You walk in expecting the absolute worst; it can only get better! The Wachowski Bros got a bad rap on this. I can't imagine the work, the time. It wasn't that bad, I just think that American audiences don't get it. They may have watched the second American run of the cartoon, but they were already in college and stoned, so they didn't really get it and they took their kids to see it, hated it. Or, you could be like me, I was total Ren and Stimpy. I know the characters, so I wasn't attached to any of the normal trappings - they could have royally trashed the story line and I would have been fine to watch it (which is really rare for me to be that oblivious.) LOL

This was eye candy galore. If you can't do that, don't do this.

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