Wednesday, April 29, 2009


no. 61 Stardust

Don't care how many times I've seen it, read it, etc, gotta turn it on, even it it's only for ten minutes. I got lucky last night and turned in at the very beginning. It's said that Neil Gaiman wanted to write an adult fairytale, kinda like the Princess Bride v.2. Did it, love it, can't not watch it. On page, it's great. Even better seeing Michele Pfeiffer's tits drop, Robert De Niro's flaming pirate, Claire Daines' glow, Charlie Cox's physical transformation, a snooty Sienna Miller, Henry Cavill's turn as a toe head (like his better as a rough Brandon on the Tudors), a little giggle from Ricky Gervais, all the dead princes...I'd add more, but it will just make me run to watch it again! So little time, too many movies!

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