Wednesday, December 30, 2009

experiment success???

It's the end of the year and so we naturally did my experiment go? Some days, I didn't hesitate to spew. Hell, it's been six weeks since my last entry and I had been feeling guilty that to keep up with my count, I wasn't able to really write about anything. As for cataloguing films, I think I've given a realistic and really accurate account. Granted, these are films only seen from beginning to end, not counting the million times I've watched Enchanted and sung along, tuned into Say Anything, sighed at any movie with Hugh Jackman. I didn't do a good job listing tunes, but I really didn't do a good job following up with artists that I've liked on XPN, I think my download list might be 100 deep. I really enjoyed quiet time in my office this year! Books? I didn't read nearly enough. Magazines? Oh god, the pit of lost time!

I guess I have about 26 hours to decide if I'm going to catalogue again - I think I'm going to have an interesting time looking through what I did watch this year. There's no doubt that I'll LOST blog in 2010. I just printed out all my post-show rants to read before my rewatches. Dude, I know I'm good, but I'm astonished at some of the things I nailed.

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