Wednesday, November 11, 2009

the doctor

Thank goodness DR doesn't take the time to read this, or I'd be eating crow. Yes, I did say that Doctor Who was so cheesy and not me, I'm so not that goofy sci-fi and bad aliens. Okay, I'm still not, I have no desire to run off and watch the seventeen renditions of Star Trek (I'm classic all the way). However, I got sucked into the world of the Doctor. It started on Monday mornings; every Monday morning a new Season One (Christopher Eccleston) episode popped up on On Demand. Granted, I was going there to watch the Director's Cut of Being Human. I figured, I'm laid off, I have nothing better to do on this fine late Monday morning while I drink my coffee.

Then I was hooked. I think what really did it was the swap to David Tennant. Again, no DR to push my face into the "skinny pale guy" pile of crap he tries to play with me.

Good thing I have to start my LOST rewatch now, I have to cut back on my Doctor time, although, I would like to get all the episodes in before the last two movies with David. I think I have enough sense then to go all the way back to the sixties and go nuts with the Daleks. I think...

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